2020, Contests

2020 VPT Contest:

You can find more details on the background here.
The contest was conducted on July-August 2020.

Image credit: Shanmugavel V


The contest was announced as part of a webinar. 75 students attended the talk. 6 teams signed up for the contest.


Arun Bharath Gomathinayagam – Engineering Manager, The NewYork Times, New York
Rajendran Thirupugalsamy – Senior Software Engineer, Google, Seattle
Sridharan Venkataramanan – Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft, Seattle

Judges are very impressed with the submissions and we decided to increase the total prize money from 10K to 21K.

Thank you Sridharan Venkataramanan for sponsoring the contest.

Judging Criteria:

Solving the original challenge (finding 10 longest words) → 25%  
Design, Coding style → 35%  
Going above and beyond (additional features, hosting in heroku, etc) → 30%  
Documentation, Demos → 10%  


First Prize: Two Teams – 7000 each

Naveenraj @naveeen684
Github link for modularised python code: https://github.com/naveeen684/Venmurasu-Final
Github link for Django app: https://github.com/naveeen684/Venmurasu_django
Deployed app: https://venmurasu.herokuapp.com/

Aishwarya B @Aishwaryabalasundaram
Code: https://github.com/Aishwaryabalasundaram/venmurasu_contest
Demo Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BPVbWUeDfv3HXA01LBf3-VNx6g3MBD5l/view?usp=sharing

Second Prize: 4000

Gokul Kumar B @gokul-bhoomi
Keerthana S
Kevin Paul @kevinpaul00

Code: https://github.com/kevinpaul00/venmurasu-webscrape
Hosted app: https://venmurasu-webscrape.herokuapp.com/
Webapp code: https://github.com/gokul-bhoomi/venmurasu-webapp

Third Prize: Three teams – 1000 each

Aaron Joshua @arhonJoshuaa
code: https://github.com/AarhonJoshuaa/Challenge.git

Harish KS @harish-k-s
code: https://github.com/harish-k-s/Venmurasu-Solved-HARISH-KS-IT-Dept-19I316-PSG-Tech

Nithin C
Mohamed Murshith
Hariharan K @HariharanK16
code: https://github.com/HariharanK16/Venmurasu

Congratulations to all the winners!!

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